Why should you start your business in Dubai?

  • Strategic geographical location serving as a gateway to MENA region
  • Tax incentives including a low tax regime and no personal income tax
  • Streamlined processes for setting up a company
  • Friendly government policies facilitating quick setup and operation
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Know your zone before setting up your business

There are multiple zones while setting up your business, with each serving a unique facility. You can choose the zone based on your business requirements and the business category you fall under. Choosing the right one can help you access many facilities and save cost too.

Not sure which zone your business falls under?

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Why choose RAG to set up your business?

At RAG, we’ve been helping businesses to make their first step in Dubai, and we’ve been doing for more than a decade. The reason to choose us is because of the experience we have and the insights we can share while starting. From understanding your business to understanding your zone to offering the services at an affordable price, we do it all for you.

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